Very low-calorie diet
with little to no exercise
Very high-calorie diet
with an extreme level of exercise
A balance of the two.
The Goldilocks of weight management.
These are simplified, of course, since everybody is
different and certain med- ical conditions have not been considered, but in general,
these are the rules :: the game. We’ll dig in a little deeper to better
understand what they mean and how superfood drinks fit in.
low-calorie, no exercise plan will keep most people at a low weight but still
considered to be unhealthy because it puts your body in a situation that: is
prone to atrophy. I know a great many people who want to lose weight but despise
exercise—an unfortunate pairing. I would argue that a better, tighter goal
would be to become a healthier person. Manageable weight, and indeed weigh:
loss, is a byproduct of that goal, as well as gaining increased energy,
vitality. mental acuity, etc. Simply reducing calorie intake while remaining
docile car. certainly shed pounds, and you’ll be better off than you were with
the excess weight, but why sell yourself short? This is your body, the vehicle
of your mind your thoughts, desires, dreams. Treat it with the respect it—you—deserve.
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